Thursday, May 27, 2010

Rambutan Seeds of Diabetes Drug

Rambutan Seeds
Rambutan Seeds
Take the seed Rambutan and Cooking with sand until the color changed to black seed as much as rambutan seeds (five seeds), then milled to a powder. Brewed with one cup hot water. After chilling, drinking water well. Do it 1-2 times a day

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Rambutan Leaf to Discolor Hair

Wash rambutan leaf to taste, then mash until smooth. Add a little water while stirring evenly until it becomes dough like mush. Squeeze and strain with a piece of cloth. Use the collected water to wet the hair of the head. Do it every day until you see the results.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Rambutan Skin for Drug Dysentery

Rambutan fruit skins (10 pieces) was washed, then cutting pieces as needed. Then add 3 cups of clean drinking water, then boiled until the water remaining half. Once cool, filtered and taken 2 times a day, each three-fourths cup.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Nephelium lappaceum L. Variant

Nephelium lappaceum L. Var. Gading
Nephelium lappaceum L. Var. Binjai

Nephelium lappaceum L. Var. Rapiah
Nephelium lappaceum L. Var. Yellow
Nephelium lappaceum L. Var. Garuda

Article Source : from various source

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Pest and Disease in Rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum L.)

Seed Borer (Noorda albizonalis)
leaf-eating caterpillars

Seed Borer fruit (Noorda albizonalis), stem borer caterpillars, leaf-eating caterpillars, squirrels, and bat, is a pest often found in rambutan. Plant disease rambutan among other leaf spot disease, white root disease.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Treatment Plants in Pots "Rambutan"

Faktor perawatan kerap diabaikan. Padahal, sangat penting dan kerap jadi kunci keberhasilan penanaman tabulampot rambutan.
Perawatan apa saja yang harus kita lakukan?
1. Penyiraman
Di musim kemarau, penyiraman sangat perlu. Jika memakai air PAM, yang biasanya mengandung kaporit, sebaiknya endapkan dulu semalam, dan baru esoknya disiramkan. Namun, usahakan benar-benar jangan sampai air siraman menggenang lebih dari 12 jam. Genangan air bisa merangsang timbulnya penyakit busuk akar.
Ingat, usahakan media tanam tidak memadat. Pemadatan media biasanya terjadi karena penyiraman yang berlebihan. Setelah itu, lakukan penggemburan dengan menggunakan sekop kecil. Hati-hati, jangan sampai merusak akarnya.
Meski media tanam menggunakan pupuk kandang, pupuk organik masih diperlukan. Sampai umur 2 tahun, setiap 4 bulan, tambahkan NPK (15:15:15) sebanyak 25 gram per drum. Sejak umur 3 tahun dan seterusnya, setiap drum diberi 100 gram NPK (15:15:15). Caranya, benamkan pupuk NPK sedalam 10 cm, lalu siram hingga cukup basah.
Pemangkasan tabulampot rambutan di samping untuk membentuk habitus (kanopi) tanaman agar tampak pendek, juga agar cabang dan pertumbuhannya seimbang. Pemangkasan perdana dilakukan saat tanaman berumur kurang dari setahun, atau tinggi batang sekitar 75 - 100 cm dari permukaan drum. Cara pemangkasan adalah, untuk pemangkasan perdana, pilih 3 cabang primer. Bila panjang cabang primer mencapai 50 cm, pangkas ujungnya hingga tumbuh cabang-cabang sekunder. Pilih hanya tiga cabang sekunder per cabang primer. Selanjutnya, pangkas ujung cabang sekunder sampai tumbuh cabang tersier, dan pilih hanya tiga cabang tersier. Nah, dari ketiga cabang tersier inilah akan terjadi pembungaan dan pembuahan.

Article Source :

Friday, May 14, 2010

How to Plant "Rambutan" in Pots

Many people are reluctant to plant Rambutan in pots. So hard to bear fruit. In fact, if you know how it can bear fruit Rambutan tabulampot dense, you know. plant pots of fruit is now familiar to fans of the plants. Variety of fruits, used just planted a big garden, now widely planted people in the pot. However, it seems that not many people who looked Rambutan in pots. Why? Frankly admitted, often strike plant pots Rambutan fruit, not even once to bear fruit. In fact, died before fruiting. Self Rambutan potted plants can actually produce fruit, provided that we know the secret. However, for plant pots rambutan, you should use a planting container drums. The size should be rather large drum, because seed size is also rather large. As a guideline, use seed Rambutan Binjai as high as 60-75 cm in diameter drum about 50-60 cm. These drums must be small holes in the bottom, then given a lump of brick or brick, so that flushing water discharge current. During this time, many variations of the planting medium to plant pots. For example, a mixture of loose soil, sand, and manure with a ratio of 5: 1: 2. There is also a mixture of manure, sand, and chaff in the ratio 1: 1: 1. Ma does no more a mixture of soil and manure in the ratio 1: 2, or a mixture of chaff and sand in the ratio 1: 1. To note, plant in pots very sensitive to growth media solidified, resulting in rapid leaf drying and fall off. Therefore, it is advisable to use a planting medium manure entirely. Better yet, if the manure had been given the insecticide Furadan 3 G as much as 100 grams per drum. This is to prevent pest infestation.

Article sources :
from various sources

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Scientific Classification Rambutan

Rambutan (taxonomic name: Nephelium lappaceum) is a medium sized tree in tropical areas of the family Sapindaceae, and the fruit of this tree. it is originally from Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, Sri Lanka and South Asia, although its precise natural distribution is unknown. Is closely linked to several other edible tropical fruits such as litchi, longan, and suckling. Is considered as originating in the Malay archipelago, from where it spread westward to Thailand, Burma, Sri Lanka and India eastward to Vietnam, the Philippines and Indonesia.
Rambut name is derived from the Malay word that literally means hairy caused by the 'hair' that covers this fruit, and is commonly used in Malay and Filipino. There is a second species regularly for sale at Malay markets which is known as "wild" rambutan. It is a little smaller than the usual red variety and is colored yellow. The outer skin is peeled exposing the fleshy fruit inside which is then eaten. It is sweet, sour and slightly grape like and gummy to the taste. In Costa Rica, it is known as mamón chino due to the likeness of the edible part with Melicocca and its Asian origin.
The Scientific Classification Rambutan




Sub Kingdom



Super Divisio









Sub Class














Nephelium lappaceum L.

Article Source : from various sources

Monday, May 10, 2010

The Goodness of Rambutan

Have you heard of Rambutan? I bet not, since this fruit is rare in Western countries. This tropical fruit is one of my favorite fruit because of its delicious taste and many of the nutritional benefits. Rambutan is a medium-sized tropical tree and lays bare the fruits of the same name. Rambutan are primarily found in Southeast Asian countries like Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Sri Lanka and the Philippines. Rambutan is said of other tropical fruits such as litchi, longan and mamoncillo.Rambutan are small red fruit clusters that are similar to hair. Thailand is the only yellow Rambutan called "Wild Rambutan. You can also find Rambutans somewhere in Australia and Costa Rica.Like other fruit, Rambutan has many health benefits. Not just a refined taste and fresh Rambutan is also consists of many essential nutrients that our body needs. Some of the health benefits of eating rambutan. Vitamin C, Potassium, Vitamin A, Manganese, Zinc, Magnesium, Calcium, Iron, and Phosphorus. Rambutan protein fiber, due to its high content of vitamin C, in fact the result of a powerful source of antioxidants that protect our cells against free radicals. It also helps the absorption of iron and copper are essential in the production of white and red. A study reveals that the rambutan in Malaysia also has antiseptic properties that are helpful in fighting infections and bacteria that invade our body body.In summary, rambutan is generally healthy for our body. With all the essential nutrients listed above, you are healthy you can not go wrong with rambutan. In some regions like the U.S. and Europe, where it is considered an exotic fruit rambutan, you can try some of the benefits of rambutan. Not only is it delicious, it is much healthier than other tropical fruits in the market.

Article Source: